RacingLine PDM.
End-user Flashing Tool and Cable.
Welcome to PDM - whole new way of installing, upgrading and managing your RacingLine Software, any time, anywhere.
The Power Delivery Module allows you to access the full RacingLine Performance Software calibration suite for your car. Quickly and safely reflash your Engine Control Unit (ECU) and DSG Transmission Control Unit (TCU) from the convenience of your own home, whenever you want.
Simply add a PDM to your RacingLine Software order with your dealer to access a new world of flexible tuning options.

PCM plug-in tuning.
Not ready to tune your car yet?
We get it. Whether it's for warranty concerns, or your car's on lease, or simply that a 40hp boost sounds just right, not everyone wants to tune their car right now.
If so, PCM could be your answer. Our plug-in tuning solution for 2.0 TSI and 2.0 TDI gives a noticeable boost in power and torque across the rev range, yet is removable without trace at any time.
And best of all, whenever you're ready, you can trade your PCM for our RacingLine OEM+ tuning for free whenever you're ready.